Dr. Dan Ioniță


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Despre Dr. Dan Ioniță

Educație și formare medicală

2016 – prezent: Medic primar – chirurgie plastică, estetică și microchirurgie reconstructivă la Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”

2016 – prezent: Colaborări cu clinici private 

Ianuarie – septembrie 2017: Fellowship (stagiu) – chirurgie plastică, estetică și microchirurgie reconstructivă – Spitalul AZ Monica, Anvers, Belgia; visiting plastic surgeon Spitalul Universitar Bruxelles, Spitalul Universitar Leuven, Spitalul Leopold Park, Bruxelles

Visiting plastic surgeon – stagii de perfecționare în chirurgie plastică, estetică și microchirurgie reconstructivă la Spitalul AZ Monica, Anvers, Belgia, 5.11 – 9.11.2012, 21.01 – 25.01.2013, Spitalul Universitar Bruxelles, Belgia, 7.01 – 20.01.2013

2010 – 2015: Medic specialist – chirurgie plastică, estetică și microchirurgie reconstructivă – Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”

09.05 – 22.05.2005: Training pentru tratamentul malformațiilor craniofaciale, Spitalul Universitar ‘Sahlgrenska’, Goteborg, Suedia

2005 -2009: Rezident și asistent cercetare – chirurgie plastică – microchirurgie reconstructivă – Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu”

2004: Rezident de chirurgie plastică – microchirurgie reconstructivă prin concurs naţional – stagii chirurgicale – București (chirurgie generală, ortopedie, chirurgie oro-maxilo-facială, ORL, oftalmologie, ortopedie pediatrică)

1997 – 2003: Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, București

1993 – 1997: Colegiul Național „Cantemir Vodă”, București

1985- 1993: Școală Generală nr. 50, București

Experiență profesională

Chirurgie plastică și reconstructivă generală: tumori de tegument și părți moi, traumatisme, arsuri, sechele posttraumatice, postcombustionale; chirurgia mâinii.

Malformații: otoplastii, sindactilii, maladii amniotice, despicături labio-maxilo-palatine.

Chirurgia plastică, reconstructivă și estetică a sânului – augmentari, mastopexii, reducții, reconstrucții (inclusiv microchirurgicale complexe – lambouri DIEP).

Chirurgie estetică de conturare corporală (liposucție/lipofilling, abdominoplastii, lifting de brațe, coapse, fese, augmentare fesieră) .

Chirurgie estetică facială (blefaroplastii, liftinguri cervicofaciale, rinoplastii).

Procedee estetice de rejuvenare (injectări de acid hialuronic, toxină botulinică).

Participări la cursuri și evenimente științifice

Post International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) Congress, June 19th-21st, 2004, Bucharest, Romania.

The First International Congress of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, October 6th – 9th, 2004, Sinaia, Romania.

International Workshop ‘Botulinum Toxin & Hyaluronic Acid Aesthetic Indications’, January 22nd, 2005, Prof. Dr. Lascar Medical Centre, Bucharest, Romania.

International Course of Craniofacial Surgery, May 23rd – 24th, 2005, Bucharest, Romania.

The third International Workshop of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery ‘Endoscopic Techniques of Aesthetic Surgery – cadaver demonstration; Free flaps – cadaver dissection’ June 15th – 16th , 2005, Bucharest, Romania.

Conference of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, October 13th – 15th, 2005, Sinaia, Romania.

International Symposium ‘Actual Concepts in Burns Treatment’, November 25th – 27th, 2005, Bucharest, Romania.

International Workshop ‘A Topical Concept in Cleft Lip and Palate’, May 29th – 31st, 2006, Brașov, Romania.

The International Workshop ‘Basic Techniques in Vascular Anastomosis and Peripheral Nerve Repair Microsurgery’, June 19th – 22nd, 2006, Bucharest, Romania.


The Second International Congress of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons ‘Present and Future in Plastic Surgery’, October 25th – 28th , 2006, Sinaia, Romania.

Breast Reconstruction Workshop April 26th – 28th, 2007, Timișoara, Romania.

Conference of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, October 2007, Sinaia, Romania.

Mediterranean Burn Council INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE April 18-19, 2008, Bucharest, Romania.

Breast Reconstruction Workshop May 2008, Timișoara, Romania.

Workshop – ‘Present and future in functional rehabilitation of traumatized hand’, May 2008, Bucharest, Romania.

5th World Congress of European Club for Paediatric Burns October 8th – 11th, 2008, Gdansk, Poland.

Congress of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, November 2008, Bucharest, Romania.

National Conference of The Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, May 3rd-15th, 2009, Constanta, Romania.

2nd Central and Eastern Europe Burns Forum, April 17th – 18th, 2009, Siemianowice Slaskie, Poland.

‘Present and Future in Health Systems’ Conference, April 23rd-25th, 2009, Bucharest, Romania.

National Plastic Surgery Conference, May 2010, Constanta, Romania.

The 11th International Congress of the Romanian Plastic Surgeons ‘Present and Future in Plastic Surgery’, November 10th-13th 2010, Bucharest, Romania.

‘Quality management in health system’, ‘Auditor in quality’ courses – august 2011, Bucharest, Romania.

National Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, October 5th – 8th, 2011, Sinaia, Romania.

Autumn Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery – Brussels, November 10th 2012.

International Congress of the Romanian Plastic Surgeons, 2014, Sinaia, Romania.

The 26th Conference of European Wound Management Association, May 11-13, 2016, Bremen, Germany.

XIVth Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons-ROAPS, Xth Congress of the Romanian Aesthetic Surgery Society-RASS, ISAPS Symposium – International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, EASAPS Meeting – European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, June 8th – 11th 2016, in Bucharest, Romania.

Scientific Spring Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery „Reconstructive Microsurgery – from cutting-edge knowledge to aesthetic refinements”, April 22nd 2017.

The European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Societies (EASAPS) Congress, The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) Symposium, Bucharest, 5-7 October 2017.

XVth Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons (ROAPS), XIIth Congress of the Romanian Aesthetic Surgery Society (RASS), XXth Mediteranean Burns Council Meeting (MBC), 16th – 19th of May 2018, Bucharest, Romania.

 A VII-a Conferinta Anuala a Colegiului Medicilor Bucuresti, 14-16 martie 2019, Bucuresti, Romania.

The XIth Corrective Dermatology and Aesthetic Congress, 10-12 mai 2019, Bucharest, Romania.

Congresul UMF Carol Davila, editia a-VII-a, 10-12 octombrie 2019, Bucuresti, Romania.

A VII-a Conferinta Anuala a Colegiului Medicilor Bucuresti, 14-16 martie 2019, București, Romania.

The XIth Corrective Dermatology and Aesthetic Congress, 10-12 mai 2019, Bucharest, Romania.

Congresul UMF Carol Davila, editia a-VII-a, 10-12 octombrie 2019, București, Romania.


Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery Autumn Meeting: Body Contouring, Practice Management and Social Media, November 16 2019, Dolce La Hulpe Hotel, Brussels, Belgium.

Al XIII-lea Congres Medical Anti-Aging de Dermatologie Corectivă și Estetică Medicală, 3-16 mai 2021, București.

Tarife Dr. Dan Ioniță

TARIFE Dr. Dan Ioniță

Consultație chirurgie estetică

290 lei

Control chirurgie estetică

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